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Green Beans with Ginger Soy Dressing


Last night I planned what I thought sounded like a really fantastic summertime dinner.  Grilled chicken marinated in a Grand Marnier marinade, black rice salad with oranges and avocado, and a Green Bean Salad with Ginger Soy Dressing.  I was so excited to eat, I could hardly wait! While snapping a few photos with my iPhone (I need a real camera and photography lessons from my son!) all that was running through my mind was how I’m going to post all these recipes…together as a menu or individually?  Certainly it was going to be a fantastic meal worth telling the world about.


When we finally sat down to eat I had my answer. I knew what I had to talk about.  The green beans.  They were by far the standout in this meal…at least in my opinion.  Mark liked everything (he’s easy to please). And since he grilled the chicken I’m sure he was secretly hoping I’d say the chicken was the best.  Actually, it was quite delicious, but I just don’t think the Grand Marnier marinade was blog worthy.  And I loved the idea of a black rice salad, but this one, while quite yummy, needed a little more zing. Maybe after some tweaking I’ll have those recipes perfected and ready to share.  But for now I want to share the green bean recipe because it really was that good.  So much so that my mind is swirling with many ideas for uses with the dressing.  I even poured some of the leftover dressing on the black rice salad and it was great! I got this recipe from a cookbook by Hugh Carpenter & Teri Sandison called “Hot Vegetables”.   Give it a try, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!


Green Bean Salad with Ginger Soy Dressing

1 lbs. green beans

1 Tbls. toasted sesame seeds


1/4 C. unseasoned rice vinegar

2 Tbls. soy sauce

1 Tbls. sesame oil

1 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. Asian chile sauce

2 Tbls. minced ginger

1 green onion, chopped

2 Tbls. chopped cilantro

Blanch the green beans in boiling water until they brighten and taste tender, about 5 minutes.  Transfer to an ice bath to stop the cooking.  Drain and pat dry, store in refrigerator until ready to use.  Toast the sesame seeds and set aside.

Combine all the dressing ingredients.  When ready to serve, toss the green beans with the dressing and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. This would be a great dish for parties or when you want to make something up ahead of time.

From → Cook Something

  1. Rusty LaCoss permalink

    Recipe sounds delicious and I think you are doing a pretty good job with the photos! Excellent presentation!

    • Thanks Rusty. I think this dressing would be fabulous on all kinds of vegetables or salads!

      On 6/30/13 11:44 PM, “I'm Bored, Let's Go…”

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